Opera | Green Tea

by Eddy Van Damme on October 1, 2012


It has been my experience that people, who appreciate the classic Opera entremet created by Gaston LenĂ´tre, are usually equally impressed with a green tea version. In this variation, everything remains as the original; it is only the coffee which is replaced with Matcha (green tea).

For the moistening process of the joconde biscuit, I do prefer to use a typical combination of 3 parts simple syrup and one part green tea liqueur. Green tea liqueur brings finesse and freshness to this cake. For the assembly refer to On Baking 3, on page 645, replacing coffee buttercream with green tea buttercream and replacing coffee moistening syrup with green tea syrup.

Green tea buttercream:


17 oz French style buttercream 500 g
0.25 oz Green tea powder (Matcha) 8 g
  1. Combine green tea powder in a very small amount of water to form a paste. Combine with buttercream.


21 comments on “Opera | Green Tea

  1. Niah Clark on said:

    Very rich dessert but really good

  2. Yuko Ouchi on said:

    Hi Chef Eddy, what a gorgeous master piece is! I know a green tea Tiramisu, but never think about using green tea for Opera. I need to shake my head.

  3. Marcellina Cole on said:

    Hello Chef Eddy, nice dessert it that a master to make a nice dessert like that.

  4. Nicholas Pringle on said:

    I have to agree I never thought of using Matcha (green tea). I thought people were more into a minty taste as a replacement in this type of dessert. A different perspective.

  5. How is it going chef eddy? Never been better… By the way, green tea is used for cleansing the human body’s system from toxins. It is good for the Holiday’s just in case if the person is cold when their immune system is low. Good idea… I see you later chef…

  6. Valerie alexander on said:

    i personally liked the coffee syrup for the opera. this little cake has a nice richness

  7. savanna cunningham on said:

    This was my favorite dessert! The recipe was so easy! Could green tea be the only other liquor you can substitute for coffee ?

  8. William McKinney on said:

    This dessert here was good and fun to make at the same time. i took it home and past it around to my friends and family so they can see my work i have been doing at school.

  9. sandra martinez on said:

    This dessert is so rich and moist! I especially like the green tea, it is not overpowering .

  10. Renae Holman Murti on said:

    I had no idea green tea liqueur existed. Have you used this liqueur in other desserts?

  11. Holly Josey on said:

    I do not like green tea but this oprea green tea had the perfect amount of green tea and was

  12. Kimberly Watson on said:

    I never though a dessert called Opera | Green Tea would taste so good its a real eye opener !!!!!

  13. Patchanittha Srikhum on said:

    Such a luxurious look! I am a fan of green tea and this recipe sounds great.

  14. Richard Martinez on said:

    I’ve noticed how popular green tea has become so its nice to see it incorporated in our line of work.

  15. Peter Tham on said:

    Opera & Sachre Torte are 2 of my fave, and adding matcha is genius!

  16. Mercy Boynton on said:

    This looks beautiful and I love green tea. I am used to the original version but this sounds like it will be equally as tasty.

  17. Andrea fields on said:

    I had the delight of tasting one of your cakes in class that had green tea in it,the cake was moist and delicious. I have not taste this yet,but i know it’s tasty.

  18. Lanz Doreza on said:

    Would this Opera tea variant work well when used with other types of teas?

  19. Fu-Ying Wu on said:

    “Green-Tea” caught my eye on this post. I love green tea, so naturally, I love pastry made with matcha. I don’t think I have had an Opera before, or at least didn’t know that’s what it was called if I did have it. I must try this recipe with thai tea one day, though I’m very unsure of how that’ll turn out.

  20. We made this in advance pastry with Chef Guy, I love green tea and wouldn’t think of making a dessert with it besides green tea ice cream. The opera torte was moist and delicious. I would love to try to make this with other teas and see what the results would be.

  21. I love to work with green tea with the main theme. It’s refesh and brough a cute flavor into the dessert.

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