Candied kumquats

by Eddy Van Damme on January 16, 2012

Kumquats are some of the quickest and least complicated fruits to candy. From start to finish, semi candied kumquats can be achieved within 40 minutes.  A drastic time difference compared to the preparation of candied orange peels which are blanched several times to remove bitterness from the peel and are then followed by an extensive candying process.

Semi candied kumquats are well liked by our customers, therefore if you have desserts which you want to enhance with an orange-citrus component, they can be an excellent choice. Think about adding semi candied kumquats to gelato, layered in entremets, yogurt desserts, in cheesecake, in ganache etc.


Semi candied Kumquats | Semi Candied Cumquats

17 oz Extra fine granulated sugar 500 g
17 oz Water 500 g
8 oz Glucose 240 g
12 oz kumquats 360 g
  1. In a non reactive saucepan bring to a boil the sugar, water and glucose.
  2. Slice the kumquats crosswise in 2 mm thick slices.
  3. Add the sliced kumquats to the boiling syrup and turn to simmer.
  4. Simmer on low for approximately 30 minutes or until tender.
  5. Allow to cool and store in a refrigerator.


13 comments on “Candied kumquats

  1. Gareth on said:

    Hi Eddy – happy new year and thanks for the past year of great information and tips/tricks. With your kumquats, it looks like you’re leaving the skin on for the candying process . . . is that right? (I assume they’re the same as our kumquats which are quite small, so leaving the skin on would be much easier)

  2. Eddy Van Damme on said:

    Hi Gareth,
    Great to hear from you and Happy New year to you as well. Yes, the kumquats are sliced and candied with the entire peel left on. Try to get some with few seeds.
    My best!

  3. What is the function of the glucose in the recipe Chef? I made candied oranges before. I added a little bit more sugar to the water and I did not use any glucose at all.

  4. Monica Gonzalez on said:

    I just received a kumquat tree as a house warming gift and I am really excited and can’t wait for it to fruit so I can try this recipe.
    Now, I have a question, can the syrup that is left be used to flavor sponge cakes?

  5. Eddy Van Damme on said:

    Good point Chef. Indeed, you can replace the glucose with sugar and end up with a great product. Out of habit I used glucose.
    My best,

  6. Niah Clark on said:

    Wow, It’s that simple to make candy kumquats. Didn’t know that

  7. Diana Wallace on said:

    I just love these!!!!

  8. John Cantu on said:

    I like the idea it looks easy to make

  9. Hui on said:

    its a fruit so common in asia but yet so under-used in desserts back home, thanks for the great tips to use them!

  10. Joetta Mackson on said:

    This would be a great candy desert for kids!

  11. Tu Ho on said:

    This candied kumquats would also add beautifully to a savory dish! Chef Eddy, can I use this recipe to candy any fresh fruits/products?

  12. valerie alexander on said:

    We use to have a kumquat tree when i was young and all i did was pull them off the tree and eat them
    I wish i had this recipe i would have been a happy kid., i look forward to trying this recipe soon

  13. FU-YING WU on said:

    I can’t wait to top these on your toasted hazelnut shortbread among other types of pastries and sweets. The bright color can make so many simple cookies and others really pop. It doesn’t hurt that they’re yummy too. Much appreciated, Chef Eddy

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